ONmove 50-200-220 GPS sport watches

Context : Geonaute

Year : 2013-2014

My role : interaction design on the ONmove 50-200-220 product and the myGeonaute connect APP : keyflows with all the logical part and specifications, user testing, iterative improvements, briefing a freelance for graphic part (both for product and APP), development following and debugging.

Team members : Jeremy GENSSE - Poduct manager, Vincent KUAN - Project leader and Product engineer, Clémence DEBAIG - Brand design manager, Stéphanie BELLANGER - Product designer, Elise MARTINET - UI designer 

Description : ONmove 50 is the simplest and best value for money sport GPS on the market. It allows beginners and occasional sportsmen to get distance, speed, chrono and time on the move. It also includes an internal storage for saving sport history on the watch.

ONmove 200 is much more complete  : customizable screens with more values (instant speed, average speed, instant pace, avg pace, distance, calories, time, stopwatch, target zones, HR value) And the main difference is that ONmove 200 is a connected product (bluetooth 4.0). Workouts can be transferred to myGeonaute service either wirelessly via the myGeonaute connect APP or via ONconnect software. MyGeonaute.com responsive service allows sportsmen to review easily all the details of their workouts, understand better their effort,  progress and compete with their friends. It also embodies a technology that allows sportsmen to fix GPS signal much faster. A very particular attention was brought to make user experience fluid and simple. Now still sold in Decathlon stores.

ONmove 220 is the most recent model, even more complete with same firmware base but new features such as hydration alerts, records, multi sport support...


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Funny viral video made by communication team :