As a UX/UI designer, I am dedicated to users that I put at the centre of my process.

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My purpose is to design useful, usable and desirable solutions at the same time, where form follows function, makes sense and conveys emotion. As a designer, I focus on users : their needs, desires, behaviours, and I see new technologies as means to satisfy their needs and expectations.         I strive to make complex things appear simple. People say we're kind of creative problem solvers. I fully agree with that definition.

My approach is driven by users, but also flexible, experimentative and instinctive. I strongly believe in iterative progression involving early prototyping and testing. 

There are main steps I always include in my design process to answer a given problematic. These steps are not linear nor chronological but "ideative", logical and complementary so I usually come and goes from one to another. I can switch easily from macro ideas to micro details...

I am used to lean methodology and tools, design thinking and research methodology.


Knowing users, stakes, environment, competitors etc.

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This part is really important. It permitts to understand users and their environments, but also to take into account existing projects or actors in order to make right strategic choices and find what is (are) the problem(s) to be solved. 

Employed methods and actions (depending on projects and constraints)
In-situ observations, users interviews, surveys
Flow diagrams to understand existing users behaviors
Technology watch

Analysis of the researches
Resulting in...
Mapping and analysis of the research results
Personas and User journey maps
Emerging of creative paths and new uses


Inventing and outlining alternatives

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Maybe the most exciting part. From observations, analysis, existing projects etc. Creating innovative alternatives and outlining possible solutions.

Employed methods and actions (depending on projects and constraints)
Creativity technics
Co-creation with end users

Wireframing and interaction flows
Prototyping (generally low to medium fidelity)
Refining or redesigning if necessary


Resulting in...
"Pre-projects" with detailed user scenarii
Different global credible alternatives


Making it real, desirable. Doing the right thing.

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Chosing one alternative and making it desirable and usable for targeted audience and preparing the implementation.

Employed methods and actions (depending on projects and constraints)
Prototyping (high fidelity) or creation of an interactive mock up
Working deeply on the identity values
Reframing if necessary
Defining the business model
Preparing the implementation
Resulting in...
One final credible project that can easily be shown
A document explaining all the aspects of the project
All the documents needed for the implementation

I can also be present during the IMPLEMENTATION so as to keep an eye on the technical steps and decisions. I also can TEST the final system in order to refine it iteratively or to redesign parts if necessary.

Watch KPIs, the reviews, optimize the UX

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Employed methods and actions (depending on projects and constraints)
UX analytics (thanks to tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Azetone…)
UX scale measurement surveys like ATTRAKDIFF
Sentences completion method
Reviews analysis with semantic tools like APPBOT

Resulting in...

Precise metrics and KPIs
Identified painpoints
Prioritized quick wins and longer term evolutions
Reviews analysis