Context : Decathlon

Year : 2018 - 2020

My role : Responsible for the design of Decathlon Maps. UX and UI: use cases, wireframes, graphics, design specifications for developers. Users tests. Project strategy (roadmap, business model…) with Guillaume.

Team members : Guillaume GUSTIN - co-founder and product owner / lead tech, Nicolas HEDOIRE - React JS developer, Guillaume BOGARD - React JS developer, Anaïs APPLAINCOURT - freelance graphist that illustrated the user scenario

Description : Decathlon Maps was initiated during a “hackathon” with a colleague, Guillaume GUSTIN. It’s a service allowing people to find and share sport tracks and spots such as hiking trails, running spots, swimming spots, MTB tracks… and that will allow Decathon to get use data to improve local offer and product design. An early MVP was launched in 2019, and the project has been stopped in 2020.